Gov. TOMBlin Allows for the Continued Slaughter of Children Until Moment of Birth
With his pen, Gov. Tomblin has not just vetoed some bill. Rather he has signed the death warrant of countless babies, as they can now continue to be slaughtered up until the moment of live birth.
Tonight will be remembered as a sad evening for the state of West Virginia. For it was this evening that Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin vetoed HB 4588. House Bill 4588 would have banned abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. With his pen, Gov. Tomblin has not just vetoed some bill. Rather he has signed the death warrant of countless babies, as they can now continue to be slaughtered up until the moment of live birth.
As if signing this death warrant of innocent children wasn’t enough, Gov. Tomblin signed it as the West Virginians for Life were hosting their pro-life fundraising Rose Dinner. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound…
It is this very real example that we see the need for the Gospel of Christ more than ever. For to communicate the Gospel would actually change a person’s heart (Romans 1:16). Tragic moments like tonight’s showcase what happens when Christians fall into the “if we can just get the right [politician, actor, etc.] on board, we could change the world…” As Tony Miano points out, “Most unsaved “churched” people are already comfortable in a church-initiated or self-induced works-righteousness system of theology and practice.”1
The solution is for the Body of Christ to be more vigilant than ever in taking up the call to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). That is why the only anointed method to convert the lost that God gives us is the telling of the Gospel of Christ (Romans 10:17). It’s not a method accomplished through a campaign, band, song, festival, aisle walked, hand-raised, or formulaic “sinner’s prayer” prayed! The power unto salvation is only through the spreading of the Gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16)!
If Christians would make the spreading of the Gospel the priority that Scripture indicates it should be, hearts would be changed. Cold, hard hearts like we see in the Governor will be crushed and replaced with one of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). In turn, those hearts would then be bent to love the things that God loves and hate the things that God hates.
- Converted hearts abide to the Word of God (1 John 1:5)
- Converted hearts keep His commandments (1 John 2:3)
- Converted hearts bend their will towards God’s will and seek to please Him by following His words, such as “Thou shall not kill” (Exodus 20:13)
- Converted hearts will have respect for what God authors (Jeremiah 1:4-5, Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 49:1-5)
- Converted hearts will not claim innocence when they stand naked before God on judgement day and shrug their shoulders before the Creator of the universe, the all knowing, all seeing, all consuming God and claim, “..but I had no idea that was going on…” (Proverbs 24:11-12)
Governor Tomblin has miscarried the power that God allowed him to inherit as Governor (Romans 13:1). He has taken a position aligned with the Enemy as opposed to God. When considering the attributes of the Enemy vs. God, we can see who Governor Tomblin has aligned himself with based on his actions. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself:
The Enemy is known as The Thief (John 10:10) , The Father of Lies (John 8:44); The Murderer (John 8:44); The Devourer (Malachi 3:11), The Deceiver (Revelation 12:9); The Tempter (Matthew 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 3:5); The Destroyer (Revelation 9:11); The Accuser (Revelation 12:10); The Enemy (Matthew 13:39); The Adversary (1 Peter 5:8); The Devil…
God is NOT a Thief – a Thief steals life from the womb
God is NOT a Liar – a Liar tells a mother that it will fix a problem and be simple, no one will know
God is NOT a Murderer – a Murderer kills a defenseless baby
God is NOT a Devourer – a Devourerer devours the fruit of the womb
God is NOT a Deceiver – a Deceiver convinces a mother that the baby would be a problem
God is NOT a Tempter – a Tempter lures a mother to the act of murdering her baby by lies
God is NOT a Destroyer – a Destroyer causes a baby to be utterly destroyed
God is NOT an Accuser – an Accuser encourages the abortion by convincing a mother she’s something she’s not
God is NOT our Enemy – our Enemy stops Christians from continuing the faith through future generations
God is NOT our Adversary – our Advesary wants to see us fail and be destroyed
Governor Earl Ray Tomblin by vetoing HB 4588 which side have you aligned yourself with? Please Governor – repent, or else spell your name correctly to reflect the values (or lack thereof) for which you stand. Something like “Governor Earl Ray TOMBlin” would be pretty accurate.
Soli Deo Gloria!
1 Abortion Abolition is Not the Gospel, Gospel Spam,