Singing the Scripture: Handel’s Messiah
When I was completing my undergraduate degree, I was in the college choir and every year we sang selections from Handel’s Messiah for our Christmas concert. It was a significant event not only on campus but in the wider community. Classical music lovers from all around would come and listen to a full orchestra and choir perform beautiful music. The wonderful thing about it was while they were listening to the wonderful music, they were simultaneously listening to the Scriptures, the very words of God, being sung. Those words proclaimed things like the coming of the New Covenant in Christ, the birth of the Messiah, Jesus as the Good Shepherd, and God’s great glory and majesty. There is something special and unique about singing the Scriptures. Paul exhorts the Ephesians and Colossians to sing hymns and spiritual songs, but also to sing the Psalms, the very Scriptures themselves. Not only does doing so today firmly tie us to the historical Church, it aids in our memorization of Scripture as well.
Therefore, since I believe singing the Scriptures is a lost art and we are in the midst of the Season of Advent, I want to assist you in creating a gorgeous, Scripture-filled playlist you can listen to and enjoy as you wrap presents, bake cookies, and decorate your home. These are all taken from Handel’s Messiah. Some are solos and some involve the whole chorus, but if you listen carefully and in order, you will hear the story of the birth of Christ as told by the Scriptures themselves.
1) Comfort Ye My People – Isaiah 40:1-3
2) Ev’ry Valley Shall Be Exalted – Isaiah 40:4
3) And the Glory of the Lord – Isaiah 40:5
4) And He Shall Purify – Malachi 3:3
5) O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings – Isaiah 40:9, 60:1
6) For Unto Us a Child Is Born – Isaiah 9:6
7) Glory to God – Luke 2:8-10, 13-14
8) He Shall Feed His Flocks – Isaiah 40:11; Matthew 11:28-29
9) His Yoke Is Easy – Matthew 11:30
10) Hallelujah – Revelation 19:6, 16, 11:15
There is also a YouTube playlist available if you don’t want to keep clicking through all of them.
Happy listening and Merry Christmas!