First WV4G Gospel Tract Released
As we are all called to share the Gospel of Christ, it is important to arm ourselves with as many tools as possible to get the Good News out. One such way is through Gospel tracts. Gospel tracts are small (business card size) cards that have the Gospel message and can be easily distributed. You can read about the benefits of using Gospel tracts here.
As part of the WV4G mission, we want to provide you with as many resources as possible to get the message out. And what better way to do that than with something that has the information to lead unbelievers to eternal life and is FREE?!! Below you will find our first effort into this endeavor focusing on evangelism. This Gospel tract has a Mountaineer flavor to it while retaining the truths of the message of salvation.
- RIGHT-click the link below each image and save to your computer to download a hi-res version of each side.
- After you download the images, you may either upload them to your favorite printer (Staples, VistaPrint, etc.) or use a program such as Microsoft Publisher to print them out.
- If you need assistance, contact us here

Front image of Mountaineer Gospel tract.