Street Preaching WVU Football Evangelism

Published on November 20th, 2016 | by Jaycen Saab

Open Air: WVU vs OU – 11/19/16

Jaycen Saab open-air preaching at WVU.MORGANTOWN – November is here and in full swing in West Virginia.  As the sun set on Milan Puskar Stadium, the thermometer dropped down to usher in the seasons first snowfall.  Most folks donned their winter best including gloves.  When folks are wearing gloves, I believe Gospel tracts are less effective as they have a hard time handling them, much less getting them into their pockets.

Since tract distribution seemed to be  not the best idea, I spent the time open-air preaching.  The new area in front of Mountaineer Field is perfect for open-air preaching.  It is wide-open and has a 2-lane road that acts as a buffer between the area and the loud tailgates of the Blue Lot.  The corner in front of the stadium where I setup is also next to the steps that lead to the main gate.  By strategically timing my WVU fan mocks the Gospel.arrival, there’s a captive audience of not only foot traffic, but folks waiting to get into the game.

Often crowds roll by in groups, so a lot of the preaching is rapid-fire and in repetition to the core truths of the Gospel message.  However, from time to time (as did this night) groups of folks will stop by and give an ear while they’re standing there.  A few times I noticed an individual or two who was pretending not to hear what I was preaching while standing with their group.  Yet, when key parts of the Gospel message of law and grace are spoken, you can see their faces change and eyes make contact.

There was a few hecklers, but none that would offer much than a “drive by” because of their cowardice to converse, save one.  He actually did engage for a moment.  He was pretty angry about slavery found in Leviticus and God not allowing homosexual marriage.  Yet, when I pressed forth in conversation, his friends whisked him away to more jollier times.  The message of the cross was foolishness to him (1 Corinthians 1:18).

All in all, it was a good night as God’s word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).  I trust that those who heard would allow that truth to permeate into themselves and recognize they will have no excuse when they stand before God (Hebrews 9:27).

A 3 minute clip of footage from the evening…

Soli Deo Gloria!


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